Sunday, January 31, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #33

Playing with dioptres again but not to such a severe extent this time.  Was able to open up the aperture to f/1.4 and play with some lighting to pick out shapes and translucency...  And a lens flare ;)  Anamorphic fo' realz.

[full size here]

Friday, January 29, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #32

Back again trying to do macro-photography with anamorphics.  As far as I know, doing this sort of thing with this lens setup is all kinds of stupid.  Nevertheless, I think the result is quite pretty - largely on account of lovely work by the very talented Miae Kim [].

To make this happen though I had to use every dioptre I had, including ones that blatantly didn't fit, necessitating the use of packing tape.

Soooo ghetto...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #31

Crow trails.  Again, another example of a picture I've been meaning to take for a long time.  About 470 separate images combined to make this singular image. Slightly lower resolution as I used the BlackMagic Cinema Camera to record the crow footage.

[full size here]

anamorphic-a-day :: #30

"The engineers were here.".  Ok, not quite Prometheus.  This is a quadruple-exposure.  Each time the tide had risen, which is how the water looks a bit like mist.

[full size here]

Thursday, January 21, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #26

Another cheat day I'm afraid, using a photo that was taken on Wednesday, because of being so swamped with work today.

For those who are wondering what this photo is, it's the skyline on its side on the left half, with the reflection in a muddy pool on right.

[full size here]

anamorphic-a-day :: #25

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #24

Mud clouds.

[full size here]

(For anyone who's wondering what they are even looking at, it's a photo of a puddle flipped upside down)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #23

This one reminds me of the processing station at the end of the movie Aliens.  Not bad for an alleyway in Gastown.

[full size here]

Monday, January 18, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #22

Perhaps it's cheating, but today I'm posting a pic of one of the ones from last week that didn't make it.  Yesterday in fact.  This one has got a bit of an Endor meets Hoth vibe going on (wuttoogeekyforyou?)

Sunday, January 17, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #21

First times: snowshoeing & visiting Grouse Mountain.  Fun stuff.  Not double checking camera settings and accidentally capturing images at 1080p jpeg as opposed to 4k RAW kind of sucked though.  Fortunately I managed to get some decent stuff out of it.  Here's one of the images.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #20

I've wanted to take a star trail photo for a very long time: this my first!  Admittedly not the greatest, but I still quite like it enough to keep a record of it.

It's actually 261 photos added together .  I did this, as holding the shutter open that long would probably have resulted in the worst sensor noise ever, plus require shutter timing gear that I don't even have yet.

Next, improve my technique and use it to take a good photo lol

[full size here]

Thursday, January 14, 2016

anamorphic-a-day:: #19

A bit of an exercise in manual dynamic range compression - otherwise known as "fixing a white sky and black bandstand" lol.  Kind of an interesting process trying to balance the saturation, density but also stay hazy enough to feel spooky.

[full size here]

anamorphic-a-day :: #18

I went back to get a better one of this view later in the session, but ended up trying to get too muchh in the frame.  This one emphasised the graphic nature of the shadow edge leading up to the globe which is my favourite bit.  It seems that I try to use angles like that when I design graphics, layout vfx shots etc

[full size here]

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #17

A Granville Island bling-bling tree

[full size here]

anamorphic-a-day :: #16

This was way too much effort, involving taping multiple diopters and the anamorphot onto the lens...  I never even got the image sharp, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

anamorphic-a-day :: #15

Saturday, January 9, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #14

Long exposure fun.

[full size here]

anamorphic-a-day :: #13

Attempt from yesterday.  More of a technical exercise than a creative one.  Slowly starting to improve pulling focus with this lens setup.  Still by far, the hardest to control of any I've used in my life!

anamorphic-a-day :: #12

Sadly some technical issues with this one ie. camera shake.  However , it was also the only one that made me feel something.  Plus there's a certain item in the frame that reminds me of No-Face from Spirited Away.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #11

After taking quite a few images this evening, this was the one that I kept coming back to.  Not sure if that means that its decent, or just that I'm tired.

[full size here]

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #10

Crazy business in the early hours of this morning.  A blanket of clouds rolling in, nestling around the buildings, and hatching a ScienceWorld globe egg, apparently.

[full size here]

Monday, January 4, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #9

I've always wanted to take a photo with light trails, but weirdly never got around to doing a proper one.  Here we go!

[full size here]

anamorphic-a-day :: #8

Supermarket ice sitting on foil, with IKEA LED lights.  Using an Iscorama 54 with a more conservative/practical 1.33x squeeze as opposed  to Kowa's insane 2x.  The 135mm FD was fairly wide open with a diopter.  Somewhere in there is a sharp plane of focus.  Would have been nice to have more of the details on that plane ie have more sharpness.  Oh well, another time.

Also, the results  of all this are 2.35:1, which is a cinematic standard.  Oddly enough I've kind of got used to 32:9 though!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #7

Need to stop taking photos at such cold times of the day.

[full size here]

Friday, January 1, 2016

anamorphic-a-day :: #6

Laputa much? :)
Next time someone spots buildings floating in the clouds send them my way.  Happens here all the time.

[full size here]

anamorphic-a-day :: #5

Happy New Year :)